
Risk assessment

Evaluation of the risk of contaminant breakthrough during MAR application. Especially during the delvelopment of a MAR project, health, environmental and management risks need to be identified and quantified.

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Rainwater harvesting is being increasingly used to collect precipitation water. The ideas of trenches is to obstruct surface runoff from catchments and concentrate the water to be infiltrated. The collected …

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Barriers and bunds

Rainwater harvesting is being increasingly used to collect precipitation water. The ideas of barriers is to obstruct surface runoff from catchments and prohibit flow of the water to be infiltrated. …

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Channel spreading

Channel spreading is grouping technologies by which the wetted area of a drainage channel or river bed is artificially increased in order to enhance water infiltration to the aquifer. The …

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Sand dams

Sand dams are impounding structures constructed above ground within intermittent river channels. During rainfall events, storm water runoff will accumulate sands and gravels behind the dam structure. This creates an artificial …

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Subsurface dams

Subsurface dams are barriers of low permeability that are constructed underground. These structures reduce or stop the lateral flow of groundwater in order to store water below ground and elevate …

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Dune filtration

For dune filtration surface water is infiltrated into the dune system and after soil passage retrived by pumping on a well gallery or lower lying ponds. This process serves as …

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Excess irrigation

Excess irrigation as a MAR technique is used on irrigated farmland where excess water is available and is spread over the area during dormant or non-irrigated seasons to allow for …

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Ditches and furrows

Ditches, furrows or drains are point or linear structures that allow for the recharge water to infiltrate to the aquifer underneath. They are usually shallow, flat-bottomed and closely spaced structures …

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Flooding as a MAR technique is used on when excess river water is available during high flow season or when flood events need to be managed. The system uses passive …

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