
Recharge dams

Recharge dams are impermeable structures built into stream channels that store stream runoff water by creating surface reservoirs upstream of the dam. They can be either designed to recharge the …

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Rooftop rainwater harvesting

Rooftop rainwater harvesting is being increasingly used in urban areas to collect precipitation water. Uses are manifold and include surface storage in tanks, usage for irrigation and groundwater recharge. The …

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Soil aquifer treatment (SAT)

Soil Aquifer Treatment is a technology where water is recharged into the groundwater through soil percolation under controlled conditions. During percolation, natural soil filtration processes occur improving the source water …

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T18. SAT Basin Design

The tool makes us of empirical equations to design a typical SAT-system including hydraulic loading rates and land requirements under consideration of soil hydraulic characteristics and water quality.

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T03b. Solute transport (MT3DMS)

The simulation of solute transport can be integrated in the groundwater flow simulation (see T03.Numerical groundwater modelling and optimization) using MT3DMS or MT3DMS-USGS. The implementation is based on FloPy (Bakker …

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New feature: User registration

Significant progress has been made in the user interface of the application. New screens were created for login, registration and changing the user profile. A user registration workflow has been …

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